Archive for September, 2005

AFA Archives September 2005

Posted on: September 9th, 2005 by tcs No Comments

September 2005

AFA Travels into the Eye of Hurricane Rita

AFA Founder, Billy McGehee has once again traveled into a Hurricane strike zone. This time it is for Hurricane Rita. Two weeks ago he was positioned in Baton Rouge when Hurricane Katrina struck Louisiana. His reason, “AFA was started to better educate all Americans on emergency preparedness and emergency response procedures.

How can I expect people to follow my direction if I have no first hand experience? The best way to learn how to prepare and respond is to enter a disaster area. From these experiences, I can better communicate with all Americans on how to become better prepared for all types of emergencies” said McGehee.

Hurricane Rita is the second category 5 storm to strike the southern US coast line this year.