About AFA

ATHLETES FOR AMERICA is a growing National and International Network of Athletes, sports teams and sports organizations that are committed to promoting and participating in emergency preparedness training programs (CPR, First Aid, AED, CERT) so that we as a Nation will be better prepared for any type of natural, manmade or day to day emergency.

Founder’s Message

September 11, 2001. No American will ever forget that day. I know I won’t. I remember how confused, shocked, scared and heartbroken I was that day.

I remember how angry I became over the next several weeks. Then it dawned on me that America had changed forever. We no longer live with the war somewhere over there. It had come to our shores. It took only a week for me to begin working on this project called ATHLETES FOR AMERICA. It is a national program I hope you will embrace, learn from, have fun with and most importantly become part of. ATHLETES FOR AMERICA was born from the ashes of the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon and Flight 93. I believe, as most Americans believe, that someday another attack on American soil will occur. That raises the question, what can we do as citizens to help prevent such an attack? What can we do to be better prepared for such a disaster? Better yet, what can we do to be better prepared for any type of emergency? The answer is simple. Get involved in your community, get better educated, trained and prepared for emergency situations. Hopefully, ATHLETES FOR AMERICA can help you achieve all of these things.

With that thought in mind, I ask, how would you like to become a part of America’s greatest team? A team like no other. A team comprised of millions of your fellow athletes, all committed to the ULTIMATE CHALLENGE!

Every athlete, man, woman and child. Amateur to professional, youth star to superstar, all networked as one. All prepared, educated, trained and dedicated to the same final goal. All ready, willing and able to take the leading role in their respective communities dealing with the most important challenge any athlete, any individual, any family will ever face?.. PROTECTING & SERVING AMERICA!

Billy McGehee, Founder

Football Players Respond To Need

NFL Former Players Partner with AFA