Archive for January, 2011

2011… The Miracle Year in America

Posted on: January 4th, 2011 by tcs No Comments

A Message from the Founder…

As we finally close the door on what I have called the DECADE of FEAR, I am more certain than ever that AFA is Making A Difference in America. Y2K, the September 11 attacks, the never ending War on Terror, Hurricane Katrina, California fires and floods, Midwest floods, the 100 year Nashville flood, Gulf oil spill, and the incredible number of tornadoes and blizzards have left our nation in an absolute mental meltdown. Add the financial collapse of the investment and real estate markets which in turn have now caused the closing of 1,000’s of our professional responder’s headquarters and we are now faced with the fact that help is even farther away. What are we going to do? Does the fear of "what’s coming next" ever go away? YES it does and 2011 is the time for this change. This is the AFA Mission, to create a cultural change in America by utilizing the Strength of the Athlete and the Power of our Sports system to educate and train millions of American Athletes on how to Save A Life!

Just Imagine… every high school and collegiate athlete, every sports organization and sports association, every professional athlete in the NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, PGA, ATP, WTA, MLS, NASCAR, WWE, all trained in the basic life saving skills of CPR and how to use an AED! It only takes a few of our sports organizations and their Owners and Presidents to realize that they hold the key to this new and more secure dawn for America. They can be the ones to stand up and say, "Let’s make SAVING A LIFE a priority and the COOL THING to do! Let’s get our athletes educated and trained in basic life saving skills! Let’s make it the STANDARD." Believe me, millions of Americans will want to follow our athletes in getting trained as a first responder! Imagine the growing number of lives that will be saved each year as more and more of our athletes become our Life Saving Heros!

The Miracle of knowing how to Save A Life only takes a few hours out of an athlete’s training schedule. How hard can that be for them? Can you really consider yourself an athlete if you are not completely prepared? Imagine the moment when we see an athlete leave the field of play during an event to Save A Life! Imagine the Miracle of knowing you did something for someone else that could Change The World! Then imagine the greatest feeling you could ever possibly dream of and know that you will remember that feeling the rest of your life because YOU Saved someone’s Life!

That is the Miracle AFA is bringing to America in 2011. I hope you will join AFA and the thousands of athletes that have already become trained and part of the AFA Network. Most importantly, I want to thank everyone that has contributed to helping us Save Lives. You are all very special human beings!

Finally, I want all Americans to believe that as we turn the calendar forward into 2011, HOPE is on its way. Peace will settle once again over this great nation and as AFA continues to promote our SAVE A LIFE…CHANGE THE WORLD! message, the next decade will surely be remembered as the DECADE of the ATHLETE!

Blessings to all in 2011!

AFA Archives January 2011

Posted on: January 1st, 2011 by tcs No Comments

January 2011

2011… The Miracle Year in America!

November 17, 2010… AFA Founder, Billy McGehee announced today that NHL Hall of Famer, Phil Esposito has agreed to endorse and support the AFA National Emergency Preparedness Initiative.

"I am thrilled and honored to have Phil Esposito join our Team as one of our Senior National Advisors. He is considered to be one of the greatest to have ever played in the National Hockey League and I cannot think of anyone who better understands how important it is to be prepared. He understands the importance of our mission and is committed to helping AFA Make a Difference in America by utilizing the strength of the Athlete and the power of sports to help educate, prepare and train our athletes on the importance of emergency preparedness and response. I have known Phil for many years. He is a great Leader and I can assure you that he knows how to motivate athletes! I am positive that Phil’s participation and efforts with AFA will lead to many Americans, not just athletes, having an interest in participating with the AFA national emergency preparedness initiative and joining our network. In the end his efforts will surely help us create a much safer nation", said McGehee.

Phil Esposito said, "Every athlete who has benefited from a coach’s training or a community’s support should repay these debts by having the training to Save the Life of another human being. I applaud AFA and encourage all communities to join this organization. I look forward to working with AFA on this very important national initiative.